I was reading through the comments on my post Dear Future Husband and actually realized that Tonnie responded to my post. The feedback was so overwhelming, but I am grateful for the time you took to read it. This post is waaay over due. Anyway, I thought it would be lovely to share it with all of you here. Enjoy the read…

A Godly man’s letter to his future Godly wife 🙂



Dear Future Wife,

Now that I know you are on the way, here are a few things you need to know:

First of all I am praying for you, and I will continue to, till eternity.

Find God, Find Yourself, then I will come find you.

You don’t have to win Miss Universe beauty pageant to be beautiful. I just need a God fearing woman. That’s what I find beautiful.

You don’t have to be the current Miss world, a kind heart is more than enough for me.

I don’t need you to do my laundry, I can do that on my own, or we can get a washing machine, since you will be a career woman without the time to do such menial tasks.

I want to fall in love with you from the moment I see you.

I want to see in you every hope, every desire and every dream I have ever had of my soul mate.

I want to fall in love with everything about you from how you smile to how you blush when I look you into your eyes.

I want to go on long drives and long rides with you and just spend hours talking endlessly.

I want to cook for you, rub your feet, comb your hair and pamper you like a lovely princess.

I want to write poems and love letters to you; put my musk cologne on them and send them to you. I want to share all my dreams and fantasies with you and promise to stand right next to you during both good and bad days.

I want to grow old with you so that we can tell our love story to our grandchildren.

I want us to be spiritually and emotionally connected to each other’s souls till eternity and beyond.

I am living this dream and praying to meet you. I know God is preparing you for me.

Wait, before we get to all these dreams and fantasies; I need you to ponder over these questions and sentiments very, very seriously.

Allow God to deal with your heart, you will begin to see what God needs from you. (Being fully submitted to your husband as the Lord would want you to be).

Will you be patient with me and will you truly support me like the Lord would have me support you?

Or will you be secretly holding resentment and offenses against me?

Are you lacking in patience, are you lacking understanding, are you lacking in forbearance?

Do you know the Word says when your husband finds you he will find a good thing and you will bring him favor?

Then why would you want to be the source of your husband’s headache and stress?

Will you be so toxic that you will turn your prayerful husband into a prayer-less one?

Will you make him regret marrying you because you will bring him more complications than he had before marrying you?

Many of your friends and mentors will advise you to marry your husband primarily because of his relationship with God, why then would you destroy his relationship with God instead of celebrating and nurturing it?

Why would you be a burden to your husband emotionally, spiritually, socially, sexually and financially instead of being one who brings favor?
When your future husband prays, will it largely be to cry to God because of the hurt you bring?

Will it be to plead with God to change you from the monster you will have become?

Will it be to plead for grace to deal with how difficult you will be? Or is to give thanks for you?

Future wife, you need to understand that being a wife IS A HIGH CALLING.

Forget how the world defines being a wife as looking hot, dropping it like its hot and remaining as age defying as you can possibly be!

Being a wife is no joke! The only two people called HELPERS in the bible. They are A WIFE AND THE HOLY SPIRIT.

And what does the Holy Spirit do? He comforts, he teaches, he guides, convicts and instructs with such gentleness etc.

You are only a good wife by God’s standard not by anyone else’s; not even your future husband. You can never be a great wife in your own strength. You have to lean on the Holy Spirit to help you to be a GODLY WIFE. Everyone can be a wife but not everyone is a GODLY wife.

Are you truly walking in humility?

Or are you quietly resentful and angry about one thing or another. Are you envious or jealous of other people’s husbands?

Will you be secretly comparing me with other men?

Are you insecure and scared? Where do you get your standards from; Society, Culture, Religion or God himself?
Granted that all marriages go through challenges including ours when the time comes… But when the trumpet sounds and you stand before the FATHER, what will you account for in your role as a WIFE?

So the next time you see those shiny rings on anyone’s fourth finger, next time one of your girlfriends gets engaged; be reminded that rings are not just cute, (I am already shopping for yours). They are a SYMBOL, A SYMBOL OF A VERY HIGH CALLING! THAT OF BEING A WIFE, A GODLY WIFE!

So future wife I am and always will pray for you:

Dear Lord,

Create in her a clean heart towards me, her future husband; remove all areas of pride, resentment, anger and unforgiveness. Deal with frustration, disappointments and regret. Lord heal any past, present and future hurt and help her be the wife you want her to be. Search her OH Lord and know her heart, and make her life pleasing to you in public and in private In JESUS’ NAME. Amen and Amen.

Your future husband,
Tonnie Keith.

13 responses to “DEAR FUTURE WIFE… By Tonnie Keith”

  1. Absolutely beautiful and to know that God will answer that prayer, oh lord i am in tears. Such a beautiful letter and prayer too.

    This message is very good and it cuts across all married and not married people. The greatest things in marriage and relationship are; love, respect and understanding. These three build trust.

    • Thank you so much for your comment Edefu. Indeed it is true. It is even better if people realize this before being married. Thank you for your insight

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