Dear Mumbua,
Happy 25th birthday!!! I am so proud of the woman you have become! Your future keeps getting brighter as the days go by simply because of how yielded you are to God.
Your journey has been a beautiful one, even though challenges and pain occasionally wormed their way into your life and made it seem like you were on a dark path. I commend you for staying faithful even though you wavered, compromised and struggled with low self esteem and condemnation. I remember those times you would shed tears in your room, as you felt only pain and rejection. The many times darkness and insomnia were your only companions because of how empty you were. How you held on to so much baggage and even allowed your thoughts and heart to cherish things that do not define you. You were easily offended, you were broken, you were weak and you honestly did not know who you are.
But look at you now! You have really grown! You now shed your tears in the secret place within the presence of God with only one desire, to know him more every single day. You worship so whole heartedly, I believe that you are starting to understand what worshipping God in truth and in spirit means. You believe in yourself, you do not compare yourself to other people because you know that your path is completely different. You do not chase after money or fame, you chase after God’s heart and will. You, Mumbua, amaze me by how loving you have become towards people and God. You are strong and not afraid of letting go of people or things that take the place of God in your heart. You are so talented, and growing so beautifully.
I acknowledge all these positive changes in your life and recognize the fact that God has really worked on you. You have remained focussed Mumbua, I like that. Yet there a number of things I need you to know, remember and treasure in your heart.
I love your current energy. I remember how the Bible and the things of God were so boring for you. Yet see yourself now. Hungering and thirsting for Him with all that is within you. Read the word and pray like crazy. Keep at it because that is the best place to be.
2. Value thyself
Spend every day knowing that you deserve every good thing. You are a precious jewel in the eyes of your heavenly father. No amount of jewels or money can determine your worth, because you are the only one of your kind. So act like it. You are worth it.
3. You are stronger than you think
Mumbua, you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to. You are so full of passion and determination because God created you with a strong willpower. Stay faithful and consistent. You have the capacity to go through any difficult situation and emerge victorious because you have Jesus.
4. Invest your time in people and things that really matter
Life rushes by so fast Mumbua. Realize that every second, minute, hour, day and month is very precious. Utilize your time, and even your money, on things that matter and make you a better person for God’s glory. Learn to differentiate the seasonal people in your life from those who are meant to be there for a lifetime. Allow your heart to be entangled with people and things that build you up and make you grow as a person. Never waste your time, it is too precious and valuable. Every second counts.
5. Make the right choices
Mumbua, your entire life path is constantly determined by the choices you make on a daily basis. They form your identity and course of life. Be careful and prayerful in every single decision you make. Some choices can only be made once, but the consequences are very dire.
6. Know your identity
Always remember that you represent Christ. That is your identity; that is who you are. When people see you, they should see God. No one can ever take that away from you, simply because of the works of Jesus on the cross and his redemption power over your life.
Simply stay faithful and committed in all that you do. God is faithful, and he has the very best planned for you girlie.
You are loved,
© 2018 - 2025. Call me Mumbua. All Rights Reserved.
This is insanely beautiful!I miss you so much girlfriend….this is goal!!!
Am still waiting for your call….I have waited every day☀️😔
Thank you so much dear. It truly means a lot. I will call you. 🙂
I see it all in you. This is beautiful Mumbua
Wow, this is beautiful. Asante sana for taking the time to read. It means a lot.
Am so happy for you Mumbua.
Continue to shine brighter and brighter.
Hi Mumbua!
I like your posts. Please visit my blog ( and let me know how you find it. Thanks.
Hi Thuita,
Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my work. I looked at your work as well. Interesting work!